Thursday, October 15, 2009

Meet the Family Jewells

Hello and welcome to our family! The Family Jewells is comprised of two big people, three little people and lots of love. We also have a member of our family living in Ohio and you will get to meet him as well. Meet our family:

Travis: The head of our household, or president of our home if you will. Husband, daddy, and my best friendwhom I love dearly! Travis loves the Lord and is passionate about sharing Christ with others. He is a wonderful daddy and husband as well as a youth pastor who loves ministering to teenagers. Web design and making awesome videos are hobbies that Travis enjoys - and he's really good too! Among other things he enjoys are cars, college basketball and football, ultimate frisbee, disc golf, hiking, camping, bike riding, running and of course hanging out with the family.

Misty: The executive VP of the home. Wife, mommy, and best friend to Travis Jewell. I love being a mom and a wife and I love our life in ministry in spite of the challenges we face along the journey. It's difficult to imagine our life without teenagers and football games and whatnot. Life can be crazy and overwhelming at times but God is teaching me that His grace really is sufficient for me and I am trusting Him more and more each day. Apart from spending time with family I enjoy singing, songwriting, listening to great music, reading, camping, hiking, bike riding and college basketball.

John Sattler: Our "adopted" teenage son whom we love and miss. John is tall, blond, looks nothing like a Jewell but he is a Jewell nonetheless. He has been through much in his life but we believe God has had a divine hand on him through even the toughest of times. John possesses great athletic ability, a fun-loving spirit, and a resiliance about him that is inspiring.

John is one of many teenagers whom we love. Were it not for youth ministry, we would not have the pleasure of getting to know him and many others who have touched our lives. The teenagers (as well as the entire church bodies) at FBC Perrysburg, and Central Baptist are our family and an important part of who we are and we love them all.

Nathan: He's four and is such a joy to our lives. Nathan has an amazing imagination as well as a funny bone. He keeps us laughing with his sense of humor and wows us with the creativity that flows from his mind. Playing with blocks, cars, puzzles, and super heros are some of his favorite activities and he also loves being outside and playing with his daddy probably more than anything else. It's fun to witness him starting to grasp the love of Christ. He is a very compassionate child and very attuned to others feelings - if they are happy, sad, etc. This is a fun age and we are enjoying teaching him about God and creation. We anticipate great things in his future.

Eden: She is two years old going on about 20 and keeps us on our toes for sure! Determined, feisty, sassy, and LOUD all describe our middle child. She is sweet yet a bit strong-willed which we believe can be a good thing if molded and directed in a positive way. Eden is very bright and loves to learn new things. She loves to sing the ABC song and count to twenty and will let you read to her as long as you are willing. Coloring, playing dress-up, and playing outside are other favorite activities as well as singing Jesus Loves Me and praying for our family. We know that God has amazing plans for Eden's life.

Eliza: Our newest addition at a whopping (almost) six weeks old. She likes to eat and sleep and is constantly the reason behind a fight that her siblings are having. She has no idea about the chaos she was born into but she will learn fast and fit in quite nicely we think :) It's a joy to have a tiny baby around and we are looking forward to teaching her about Jesus and watching the amazing story of her life unfold.

So this is our family in a nutshell. We will be updating you on our crazy life via this blog and hope you enjoy reading. We pray that God is doing a mighty work in each of your lives and encourage you to share any prayers or praises you may have. God bless you on this journey called life!