Thursday, October 22, 2009

When The Snot Monster Attacks

Due to recent germ and snot monster sightings, I've seriously given much thought to the idea of hibernation. Yes. Hibernation. It seems that just as one family member recovers from the evil monster's attack, another one bites the dust. I've become something of a madwoman prowling around the house armed with Lysol as if on a top-secret classified mission. A rather daunting job if I do say so myself. 

I think my craziness is rubbing off because any time someone would come near Nathan he would get very upset, assume a Quasimodo-ish stance and start screaming, "Get away! Get away! I'm sick!!!" The kiddos are also quick to order people to wash their hands...including strangers at Wal-Mart. Yes. What fun! 

There is nothing quite like having one of your babies become sick, but alas, it seems that the Jewell Fam is on the mend. We hope. I want to thank everyone for their sweet words, thoughtfulness, and prayers. I'm thinking that if the monster strikes again I'll go with Clorox the next time....maybe switching brands will trick him...